Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #788

general warmup (15 minutes) resistance band baseball swings x 20/20 reps resistance band pause face pulls x 20 reps Power Wheel rollouts x 12 reps 1 legged hops x 100 feet windshield wipers x 20 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) chain bench press set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) chain bench press xContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #788”

Cave Strong-Black & Blue Friday training of the day (TOD) #739

general warmup (15 minutes) sledge hammer strikes x 15/15 reps tire flips x 7 reps bear hug keg squats x 7 reps power skipping x 100 feet specific warmup (5 minutes) Atlas stone lift/rear sled pull/floor press set up and light practice strength (4 rounds) one round=Atlas stone lift x 3 reps + heavy rearContinue reading “Cave Strong-Black & Blue Friday training of the day (TOD) #739”

back flips on the beach

My wife and I were at the beach Sunday afternoon (again). There are always a great variety of people there. Some are sun tanned others are lily white and on their way to serious sunburn. Some are fat, some are skinny, some are young and some are old. You get the picture. One thing mostContinue reading “back flips on the beach”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #725

general warmup (15 minutes) rotation pushups x 20 reps resistance band archer pulls x 20/20 reps 45 to 90 degree leg lifts x 20 reps double dumbbell rows x 15 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) bench press set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) bench press x 5 reps x 5 sets conditioning/accessory workContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #725”

how to make sled pulls more effective without heavy loads

I love doing sled work! I mean, who doesn’t? We do all kinds of sled pulls and pushes at the Cave. Don’t let the title fool you. We do very heavy sled work, but there are other ways to get strong with sleds. I got some great insights about sleds studying of one Louie Simmons’Continue reading “how to make sled pulls more effective without heavy loads”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #712

general warmup (15 minutes) rotation pushups x 20 reps lat pull downs x 12 reps alternating leg lifts x 30 reps 1 legged hops x 100 feet pause supermans x 15 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) dead-stop bench press set up and light practice strength ( 8 sets ) dead-stop bench press x 3 repsContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #712”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #701

general warmup (15 minutes) inch worms x 100 feet alternating leg lifts x 20 reps recline rope climb x 5 reps Sanddune squats x 15 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) strict double dumbbell press set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) strict double dumbbell press x 5 reps x 5 sets conditioning/accessory work (3Continue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #701”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #689

general warmup (15 minutes) kettlebell figure 8’s to hold x 25 reps resistance band vertical pull a parts x 35 reps resistance band 1 hand pause face pulls x 10/10 reps medicine ball chest pass x 10 reps sledge strikes x 12/12 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) dumbbell push press set up and light practiceContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #689”