On May 27, the Cave became history and is gone forever

After almost 12 years of putting my heart into building and running the Cave, the time has come to say goodbye. My recommendation is for people to go back to the beginning of our training and start working your way back up through our over 800 TOD’s. That should take you a few years. IContinue reading “On May 27, the Cave became history and is gone forever”

The Humbler

Stones, kegs, and many other Strongman implements will challenge you and get you stronger. One of our favorites is the 200lb Iron Mind sandbag aka The Humbler Granted 200lb is not a lot on a barbell, but a 200lb sandbag is a monster to handle. We’ve taken this beast in steps 1-gravity breakers=just lift itContinue reading “The Humbler”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #788

general warmup (15 minutes) resistance band baseball swings x 20/20 reps resistance band pause face pulls x 20 reps Power Wheel rollouts x 12 reps 1 legged hops x 100 feet windshield wipers x 20 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) chain bench press set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) chain bench press xContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #788”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #785

general warmup (15 minutes) dumbbell star complex x 2 JM press x 10 reps strict weight plate front raises x 10 reps strict pullups x 10 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) bench press set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) one cluster set = {bench press x 5 reps + rest x 15 seconds}Continue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #785”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #747

general warmup (15 minutes) clock pushups x twice around the clock flutter kicks x 150 reps 1 hand pause face pulls x 15/15 reps rear bear crawls x 50 feet bear crawls x 50 feet specific warmup (5 minutes) gallows pull up challenge practice strength (20 minutes) gallows pullup challenge x max reps Note: eachContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #747”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #746

general warmup (15 minutes) kettlebell goblet squats x 10 reps sledge hammer strikes x 15/15 reps tire flips x 7 reps 1 legged hops x 100 feet specific warmup (5 minutes) Sumo axle deadlifts set up and light practice (use double overhand grip) strength (20 minutes) Sumo axle deadlifts x 2 reps x 10 setsContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #746”