Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #806

general warmup (15 minutes) kettlebell figure 8’s to hold x 25 reps kettlebell swing, catch, & squat x 20 reps Kettlebell cleans x 10/10 reps resistance band pull a parts x 75 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) chain bench press set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) chain bench press x 8 reps xContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #806”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #805

general warmup (15 minutes) bear crawls x 100 feet 45 to 90 degree leg lifts x 20 reps rotation pushups x 20 reps kettlebell goblet squats x 20 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) Atlas stone lift set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) Atlas stone lifts x 2 reps x 6 sets conditioning/accessory workContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #805”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #795

general warmup (15 minutes) rear bear crawls x 50 feet bear crawls x 50 feet chimp walks x 100 feet 45 to 90 degree leg lifts x 20 reps diagonal pull a parts x 30/30 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) dips (on the dip stands) set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) weighted dipsContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #795”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #791

general warmup (15 minutes) kettlebell swings x 30 reps kettlebell swing, catch & squat x 15 reps kettlebell Turkish get ups x 3/3 reps recline rope rows x 12/12 reps Sanddune jumps x 10 reps alternating sandbag shouldering x 20 rep specific warmup (5 minutes) barbell rows set up and light practice find a weightContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #791”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #789

general warmup (15 minutes) rear bear crawls x 50 feet bear crawls x 50 feet kettlebell press x 10/10 reps alternating dumbbell curls x 20 reps pause supermans x 15 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) Zercher axle squats set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) Zercher axle squats x 3 reps x 8 setsContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #789”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #788

general warmup (15 minutes) resistance band baseball swings x 20/20 reps resistance band pause face pulls x 20 reps Power Wheel rollouts x 12 reps 1 legged hops x 100 feet windshield wipers x 20 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) chain bench press set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) chain bench press xContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #788”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #786

general warmup (15 minutes) recline rope climb x 5 reps resistance band pushups x 20 reps bandido squat jumps x 15 reps sandbag good mornings x 20 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) Atlas stone lift set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) Atlas stone lifts x 2 reps x 8 sets conditioning/accessory work (1Continue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #786”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #782

general warmup (15 minutes) plank walkups x 20 reps alternating leg lifts x 30 reps chimp walks x 100 feet Sanddune jumps x 12 reps recline rope rows x 10/10 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) close grip rows/diamond pushups set up and light practice strength (4 supersets) one superset = close grip rows x 8Continue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #782”

could you hang on by just your fingers?

Crazy title, huh? That’s okay, I guess a little craziness is in order today. The reason I ask that question is I had a military training situation where I had to do just that. I was at U.S. Army Sapper School and we were going through Technical Rock Climbing. One part involved climbing up aContinue reading “could you hang on by just your fingers?”