No one knows what will happen as the virus surges  upward again. It was going down for a awhile then BOOM up it goes! Here at the Cave, we made the transition to outdoors training very smoothly. We didn’t need to do Zoom workouts or any other online stuff. We only had to cancel oneContinue reading “ANOTHER SHUTDOWN DUE TO SPIKES OF OF COVID-19?”

Today is day!

We are really psyched to let you know about our new website, which is for people who want to start a mace and club training program at their gym. You can see numerous people swinging maces online, but that doesn’t teach you how to program  the training for people just starting out. We haveContinue reading “Today is day!”

Press, row, swing clubs, & swim–a simple approach to training while on vacation

I always recommend that people still train while they are on their vacation. Few however, heed that advice and pay for it big time when they return to the gym. There are so many options for staying in shape while “on the road” that not training is inexcusable. I trained throughout my vacation. It wasContinue reading “Press, row, swing clubs, & swim–a simple approach to training while on vacation”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD)

general warm up (10 minutes) resistance band pull a parts x 100 reps mountain climbers x 100 reps dislocates x 10 reps tuck jumps x 10 reps specific warm up (5 minutes) Burgener drills squat snatch set up and light reps strength (20 minutes) squat snatch x 2/2/2/2/2/2 reps conditioning/accessory work (2 rounds) dumbbell overheadContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD)”

Why do we do steel club and mace training here at the Cave?

The strongest people I know advise being strong from every direction, from every angle, and just strong all over. If you skip rotational strength and just do linear exercises, you are missing out on a lot. Steel clubs and maces can improve shoulder mobility, grip strength, forearm strength, shoulder stabilization, mid-line stabilization, coordination, and balance. TheyContinue reading “Why do we do steel club and mace training here at the Cave?”

kettlebell helicopters & sliders

Tendon strength–the missing link in training

The first time I heard tendon strength mentioned as a focal point of training was back in 2004 at a Russian Systema school here in my city. The instructor, Saulius “Sonny” Puzikas, had served in Special Operations (Spetsnaz) before the collapse of the Soviet Union. He knew what mattered in the real world when. itContinue reading “Tendon strength–the missing link in training”

What books I am studying now

I continuously look for valid sources of training information from around the world. If the authors are credible and have lots of experience, I learn from them. This is my most current study resource. I have partnered with this company because of their high quality training resources and equipment.   The CrossCore® System CrossCore®’s patentedContinue reading “What books I am studying now”

What is the “non-gym” movement?