If someone else can do it, so can you if….

Every year I love watching the CrossFit Games (even people who don’t like CrossFit often still watch them, go figure). The jaw-dropping performances almost stagger the imagination; but there is the catch. Many people just think “I could never do that”, and you know what? They are right. They have already sabotaged themselves. They haveContinue reading “If someone else can do it, so can you if….”

Toxic thought is dangerous to your health and life

Unless you are living under a rock, you see and hear this poison every day. On the Internet, hate is at epidemic proportions. In traffic, people are ready to kill others because they don’t like how they drive. People are seething with rage, bitterness, and vengeful thoughts. Even if they don’t act out those thoughts,Continue reading “Toxic thought is dangerous to your health and life”

Try, fail, try, fail, try again, success eventually

What coaches can do that politicians and judges never will be able to do

If you are a coach, or are aspiring to be one, pay close attention to this. You have the power to make a real difference in real peoples lives on a daily basis for the better. Politicians and judges do what they do far removed from the “real world” of our daily lives. Coaches, onContinue reading “What coaches can do that politicians and judges never will be able to do”

Simple strength circuit

Combining basic strength-building exercises is a good alternative for circuit training. We did one at our Iron Brotherhood Mens Weightlifting Club yesterday.