Cave Strong-quarterly strength & work capacity tests #7 & #8

General warm up (10 minutes) Americanas x 50 reps 1 hand halos x 15/15 reps Adex club mills x 20 reps Sanddune plyo push ups x 10 reps specific warm up (5 minutes) push press test rest as needed specific warm up (5 minutes)  specific warm up (5 minutes) mace 300’s test Adex mace testContinue reading “Cave Strong-quarterly strength & work capacity tests #7 & #8”

Some good things actually happened in 2020, here’s one

This was posted a few months ago, but the message is very relevant and encouraging for today. More smart coaches/trainers are using steel maces & clubs each day. This type of training is growing like crazy. You can learn this too at either of our two upcoming certifications and be able to run this programContinue reading “Some good things actually happened in 2020, here’s one”

“I won’t discriminate against anything that will make me stronger.”–Zach Even-Esh

I couldn’t agree with Zach more! We don’t just talk about, we live it day after day. Our training tools are very varied, and we build upon strong basic movements which ever ones we are using that day. Here’s a quick look inside the Cave ​ ​ There are many training tools to use, chooseContinue reading ““I won’t discriminate against anything that will make me stronger.”–Zach Even-Esh”

Exert maximum force quickly

In this exercise the 35lb club is pulled over the shoulder with one hand, then tapped back with the other hand. John “Abuelo” Powers is using an Adex plate-loadable steel club in this photo.

make up test for: Cave Strong-quarterly strength & work capacity tests #3 & #4

General warm up (10 minutes) Americanas x 50 reps Sanddune push ups x 15 reps windshield wipers x 20 reps jumping jacks x 50 reps specific warm up (5 minutes) Adex club long cycle test rest as needed specific warm up (5 minutes) pull up test **Note: no conditioning/accessory work during tests**

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #365

general warm up (10 minutes) resistance band pull a parts x 50 reps “palms up” resistance band pull a parts x 30 reps Adex club star complex x 1 clock push ups x twice around the clock specific warm up (5 minutes) dead stop bench press set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) deadContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #365”