Tomorrow we kick off a week of Strongman training & heavy partial lifts

No one gets  strong by accident! If you don’t want to lift heavy, don’t come in.

Unofficial mace & club competition at the Cave on June 24

First time doing three minutes of “10-to-2” with my Adex mace As part of our “Steel drums, steel clubs, & maces” summer party we will hold an unofficial competition with our Adex maces & clubs. There will be two events, one with each type of implement. Keep practicing! This will help everyone work up aContinue reading “Unofficial mace & club competition at the Cave on June 24”

Don’t let your ego sabotage your progress

A measured amount of confidence is a good thing but an over-sized ego is not. It takes a lot of maturity and wisdom, along with a solid work ethic to make progress over the long haul. If you are training alongside someone who can pull 100lb more than you, that doesn’t automatically mean you shouldContinue reading “Don’t let your ego sabotage your progress”

Monday was squats, Wednesday was bench, & Thursday was Adex mace


Why do we do steel club and mace training here at the Cave?

The strongest people I know advise being strong from every direction, from every angle, and just strong all over. If you skip rotational strength and just do linear exercises, you are missing out on a lot. Steel clubs and maces can improve shoulder mobility, grip strength, forearm strength, shoulder stabilization, mid-line stabilization, coordination, and balance. TheyContinue reading “Why do we do steel club and mace training here at the Cave?”

Testing improves the athlete’s performance and the coach’s, also

Every quarter we have our strength & work capacity tests Currently there are 5 barbell tests and 2 bodyweight tests. As a coach, I analyze all the results for each person individually and for the entire group. This gives me a clear picture of what problem areas we need to work on for the nextContinue reading “Testing improves the athlete’s performance and the coach’s, also”

Psyched to start our new mace & steel club classes next Monday!

Monday & Friday at 5:30pm Tues., Wed., & Thurs. at 10:00am Get a discount on Adex clubs & maces by using the code fd-1 at checkout right here

Measureable results take more than just breaking a sweat

Never confuse “working out” with training. Working out or exercising is often to just experience the moment. Training is focused on progressively working towards specific goals by adjusting certain variables. If you just want to just  breathe hard, sweat a lot, and flop on the floor when it’s over then this is not for you.Continue reading “Measureable results take more than just breaking a sweat”