linear & rotational strength

Big things happen in straight lines, but not always. When I was at Ed Coan’s Powerlifting Seminar a few years ago, he stressed being strong all over. Coringa Conway, the owner of Iron Life Athletics in Orlando, is a great example of that. He’s a Strongman & Highland Games competitor and a very accomplished martial artist. DidContinue reading “linear & rotational strength”

things that disrupt quality movement

For my first ten years in martial arts I practiced a very classical system. Every class started with us kneeling and clearing our minds. There was silence in the dojo until the Sensei spoke. The dojo itself was very austere, basically an empty room. Our mental focus was sharp and undistracted. What a far cryContinue reading “things that disrupt quality movement”

maces, clubs, & Atlas stones?

We’ve had the Vintage Strength games since 2019, but this year’s games will be the best yet. The events will include Strongman and mace/club events. Athletes will have to be brutally strong and well-conditioned to handle this type of competition. I love this stuff! Get all the details at Woodall’s Vintage Strength Games​ In this crazyContinue reading “maces, clubs, & Atlas stones?”

Unilateral work levels the playing field

Just about all heavy lifts are done with two hands. No doubt bilateral work can get you strong. But what if your dominant side compensates for your weaker side? Maybe there’s a muscle imbalance lurking in the shadows. Unilateral exercises could probably help fix that. Dumbbells, kettlebells, maces, & clubs are great for that. Snatches,Continue reading “Unilateral work levels the playing field”

resolution, revolution, or discipline?

I hope you had a great Christmas. Now New Years is coming up fast. Many people will be making resolutions for 2023, most of which will probably fizzle out in a couple of weeks. They will do basically nothing. Others will opt for an extreme, even drastic plan to get in shape. It’s kind ofContinue reading “resolution, revolution, or discipline?”

politicians & news versus steel & iron

In this crazy world we live in very few things are reliable or predictable. Politicians often lie. News stations always have their spin (agenda) when it comes to news. Facts get lost in the blur. Thank God that iron and steel are reliable. Henry Rollins made that point several years ago. When you pull aContinue reading “politicians & news versus steel & iron”

Psyched to be at the Tampa Bay Strongman Classic Nov. 5

Today I’m double-checking what we need to run our booth at this epic event. This is our 4th year as a sponsor and I am chomping at the bit to get up there in that high-adrenaline atmosphere. Watching Strongman on TV or online is great but it doesn’t compare to being there in person. YouContinue reading “Psyched to be at the Tampa Bay Strongman Classic Nov. 5”