Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #706

general warmup (15 minutes) resistance band pull a parts x 50 reps resistance band archer pulls x 20/20 reps resistance band pause face pulls x 15 reps hollow rocks x 15 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) dumbbell bench press set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) dumbbell bench press x 7 reps x 4Continue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #706”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #698

general warmup (15 minutes) kettlebell figure 8’s to hold x 25 reps resistance band archer pulls x 20/20 reps long cycles x 30 reps Sanddune power steps x 50 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) Russian* squats/Russian* pushups practice strength (3 rounds) one round = Russian* squat x 1 rep + Russian* pushup x 1 repContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #698”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #689

general warmup (15 minutes) kettlebell figure 8’s to hold x 25 reps resistance band vertical pull a parts x 35 reps resistance band 1 hand pause face pulls x 10/10 reps medicine ball chest pass x 10 reps sledge strikes x 12/12 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) dumbbell push press set up and light practiceContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #689”

3 generations train at the Cave

These gals know how important it is to stay in shape regardless of age. They have a blast doing their personal training with Carly (on the right). You can contact Carly to schedule your personal training here

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #671

general warmup (15 minutes) crunches x 35 reps pause supermans x 15 reps barbarian rear lunges x 20 reps Sanddune jumps x 12 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) Grinder Kord complex set up and practice strength (4 supersets) one superset = flys x 10 reps + reverse flys x 10 reps conditioning/accessory work (2 rounds)Continue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #671”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #669

general warmup (15 minutes) mountain climbers x 80 reps alternating leg lifts x 20 reps Russian plank walkups x 12 reps dumbbell hang power snatches x 10/10 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) bench press set up and light practice find a weight you can do 10 reps with strength (3 rest pause sets) one restContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #669”

Cave Strong-quarterly strength & work capacity tests #1 & #2

General warm up (10 minutes)resistance band pull a parts x 100 repsSanddune power steps x 100 repsAdex club barbarian pull overs x 25 repsSanddune push ups x 15 repsspecific warm up (5 minutes)bench press testrest as neededspecific warm up (5 minutes)deadlift tests**Note: no conditioning/accessory work during tests**

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #643

general warmup (15 minutes) mountain climbers x 75 reps resistance band baseball swings x 15/15 reps Power Wheel rollouts x 12 reps Resistance band pull a parts 75 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) seated chest press set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) seated chest press x 10 reps x 4 sets conditioning/accessory workContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #643”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #640

general warmup (15 minutes) clock pushups x twice around the clock 1 hand resistance band pause face pulls x 10/10 reps recline rope climb x traveling broad jumps x 100 feet specific warmup (5 minutes) dumbbell Ahrens press set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) dumbbell Ahrens press x 4 reps x 7 setsContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #640”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #634

general warmup (15 minutes) chimp walks x 100 feet 1 legged hops x 100 feet side shuffles x 200 feet 45 to 90 degree leg lifts x 20 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) Meadows rows set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) Meadows rows x 5/5 reps x 5 sets conditioning/accessory work (2 rounds)Continue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #634”