Cave Strong-Black & Blue Friday training of the day (TOD) #739

general warmup (15 minutes) sledge hammer strikes x 15/15 reps tire flips x 7 reps bear hug keg squats x 7 reps power skipping x 100 feet specific warmup (5 minutes) Atlas stone lift/rear sled pull/floor press set up and light practice strength (4 rounds) one round=Atlas stone lift x 3 reps + heavy rearContinue reading “Cave Strong-Black & Blue Friday training of the day (TOD) #739”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #694

general warmup (15 minutes) dumbbell star complex x 1 dumbbell high pulls x 10/10 reps dumbbell push press x 7/7 reps double dumbbell rack squats x 15 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) sled push/Atlas stone gravity-breakers set up and light practice strength (4 rounds) one round = sled push x 100 feet + Atlas stoneContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #694”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #687

general warmup (15 minutes) weight plate orbits x 15/15 reps bear hug keg squats x 5 reps Sanddune jumps x 10 reps tappers x 7/7 reps pinch grip isometric weight plate hold x 30/30 seconds specific warmup (5 minutes) Atlas stone gravity-breakers set up and practice strength (20 minutes) Atlas stone gravity-breakers x 3 repsContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #687”

two new Atlas Stones arrived today!

Very blessed and psyched to get our new 215lb and 250lb Atlas Stones today! Aaron, from Tampa Atlas Stones, delivered them this morning. If you are in the Tampa Bay area, Aaron is the “go to guy” for Atlas Stones !