Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #667

general warmup (15 minutes) pushups x 30 reps recline rope climb x 5 sandbag shouldering x 10/10 reps weighted situps x 10 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) Atlas stone lifts setup and practice strength (20 minutes) Atlas stone lifts x 3 reps x 5 sets conditioning/accessory work (3 rounds) grappler bar close grip rows xContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #667”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #632

general warmup (15 minutes) resistance band vertical pull a parts x 35 reps resistance band archer pulls x 20/20 reps resistance band baseball swings x 20/20 reps resistance band pause seated rows x 15 reps specific warmup (5 minutes) keg squats set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) keg squats x 8 reps xContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #632”


You never know what’s inside a person. You never can tell what they are really made of by appearance. That’s what’s so cool about Rex aka T-Rex. This quiet unassuming IT pro is an incredibly tough individual. He handles anything that’s thrown at him with tenacity and humor. Check out T-Rex doing his second workoutContinue reading “SURPRISINGLY TOUGH”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #576

general warm up (15 minutes) resistance band baseball swings x 15/15 reps resistance band pause face pulls x 25 reps Power Wheel roll outs x 12 reps medicine ball chest passes x 10 reps specific warm up (5 minutes) stone** loading set up and light practice **Note: substitute as needed strength (20 minutes) stone loadingContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #576”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #569

general warm up (15 minutes) resistance band pull a parts x 100 reps 1 hand farmers walk x 200 feet kettlebell cleans x 15/15 reps kettlebell figure 8’s to hold x 30 reps specific warm up (5 minutes) lateral keg loading set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) lateral keg loading x 12/12-10/10-8/8-6/6-4/4 repsContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #569”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #547

Note: If you miss this on Thursday, you get to do it on Friday general warm up (15 minutes) medicine ball chest passes x 15 reps rotation push ups x 20 reps barbarian split squats x 12/12 reps 1 legged hops x 100 feet specific warm up (5 minutes) concrete slab carry/Sanddune push ups setContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #547”

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #547

general warm up (10 minutes) mountain climbers x 100 reps hollow rocks x 15 reps double chain strict press x 12 reps Power Wheel rollouts x 10 reps specific warm up (5 minutes) bear hug keg squats set up and light practice strength (20 minutes) bear hug keg squats x 4 reps x 6 setsContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #547”

The same weight on a barbell is easy

There’s nothing easy about this lift. Do 3 reps each side  x 3 sets and you’ll see what I mean.

Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #543

general warm up (10 minutes) partner medicine ball throws x 30 reps recline rope climbs x 5 chimp walks x 100 feet strict pull ups x 7 reps specific warm up (5 minutes) rescue dummy shouldering practice strength (20 minutes) rescue dummy shouldering x 3/3 reps x 3 sets conditioning/accessory work (3 rounds) thick barContinue reading “Cave Strong-training of the day (TOD) #543”